




全美超模大赛第十七季 剧照 NO.1全美超模大赛第十七季 剧照 NO.2全美超模大赛第十七季 剧照 NO.3全美超模大赛第十七季 剧照 NO.4全美超模大赛第十七季 剧照 NO.5全美超模大赛第十七季 剧照 NO.6全美超模大赛第十七季 剧照 NO.13全美超模大赛第十七季 剧照 NO.14全美超模大赛第十七季 剧照 NO.15全美超模大赛第十七季 剧照 NO.16全美超模大赛第十七季 剧照 NO.17全美超模大赛第十七季 剧照 NO.18全美超模大赛第十七季 剧照 NO.19全美超模大赛第十七季 剧照 NO.20


 1 ) 本季最强亮点:拎不清姐!

    但,尼玛!做事能不能不要这么脱线啊!在比赛播出完之前在自己的FACEBOOK上透露自己得了冠军,被取消比赛资格。。。。您是纳尼属性啊我去!都这节骨眼了您非得给自己个儿掉链子啊我去!您是有多拎不清啊姐!就那么几十天你都等不了啊!都得了冠军了啊还被取消资格啊我去!你是有多迫不及待要把你的丰功伟绩昭告天下啊我去!我特么的想一大巴子拍死你啊我去!这种拎不清的事你丫不是第一次做了,去希腊下飞机做演讲的时候,明明整个场子都被你震住了完美发挥的时候尼玛非得加一句“where is the bathroom”!你丫跟冠军有仇啊我去非得往外推!

 2 ) 看超模学做人。

  本来是看着好玩的。但是这个结局让我震撼了。剧透把冠军宝座给丢了。我不可怜她。可怜之人必有其可恨之处。谁都遭遇过悲苦,勇敢者会忘记伤疤,并让痛苦成为滋养幸福的土壤。 懦弱者。。。。。。。。。
没想到看这么一款增加模特常识的电视剧还可以让我对做人产生更深的感悟。A 呀,你是一个活生生的例子呀,没定力的人真是废物!!!! 谢谢你教我这么多,看到你吵吵闹闹的样子我都狠不得骂你几句了。拜拜

 3 ) Angelea离开的原因

S12里,Alison就表现的很特别,大大的眼睛让人害怕但又喜欢;S13矮模比赛,模特界身高是个硬指标,这季的出发点很好,而且确实也很精彩;S16记住的也就是她们在那吵架,从幕后一直吵到评委面前。Alexandria表现的很bitch,反到在S17 All Star这季中收敛了很多。
话说回来,今天看了这季最后一集,虽然很希望Alison赢,但是不得不说Lisa拍的Cover Girl的硬照真的很不错。唯一让人费解的就是Angelea为什么离开了?
维基百科上说“Angelea was disqualified from the competition for unspecified reasons.”刚才看到讨论组里说“貌似她已经得了冠军,但是节目播出前没忍住在自己的facebook上公布结果了,就被取消资格鸟。 ”要是那样可真悲催。。。
Exclusive: Lisa D'Amato talks about 'Top Model' win, Angelea Preston
By Elizabeth Kwiatkowski, 12/09/2011

Lisa D'Amato was crowned America's Next Top Model's winner of its first ever all-stars edition during Wednesday night's broadcast of The CW reality competition's seventeenth-season finale.

On Friday, the 30-year-old who previously appeared on Top Model's fifth season, talked to Reality TV World about her America's Next Top Model victory and overall experience -- including what she knows about Angelea Preston's largely unexplained disqualification and how she responded to rumors claiming that she wasn't the original winner, whether she was confident she'd take home the title when standing next to Allison Harvard in the end, and how she would have reacted if told she only finished as the runner-up.

Below is the first portion of our exclusive interview with Lisa. Check back with Reality TV World on Monday for the second half.

Reality TV World: How does it feel to be America's Next Top Model's first All-Star winner?

Lisa D'Amato: It feels like an incredibly peaceful validation that is far and beyond redemption.

Reality TV World: How confident were you before you were announced the winner that you'd be the one to win the title? After hearing everything the judges had to say during the panel critiques, did you think Allison was more likely to win or no?

Lisa D'Amato: Allison and I were so incredibly different that it really just depended on what they wanted. I know that in terms of who was definitely going to use this in the industry and really take all the prizes home and utilize them to their fullest, I knew it would be me. But that wasn't something that is going to be based upon who's going to win or not.

Allison is completely different and she loves painting and art direction, whereas everything that is this branding season, is what I have been married to since I was 12-years-old and have been working towards forever hoping it was me.

Reality TV World: You said in your final words that your confidence actually comes from a very vulnerable place. Could you elaborate a little more on what you meant by that? When you said you have to lift yourself up everyday, are you saying that your cheery, outgoing personality is somewhat of an act because you're really hurting inside because of your past and everything or is that truly the real you and how you act naturally?

Lisa D'Amato: Yeah, it's all from my past. I come from a very physical, mental and sexually abusive childhood, and with that, it feels like weight on your shoulders for years. I got therapy, so it has actually come full circle and when I mean that it comes from a very vulnerable place, that means that I was my own soldier. I was my own motivation everyday.

I had to pick myself up and all the holes that were in my heart over and over and over again, I had to sew them back up. So, my confidence, it comes from a vulnerable place but it is also something that I'm not going to apologize for because I earned it. I have something that is incredibly priceless that no one -- no one in the world can buy and that's thick skin.

Reality TV World: How do you think you would have reacted if you had been announced the runner-up? Allison seemed to take the news really well and just congratulated you without even crying. Do you think you would have handled it that well or would you have been very upset and more disappointed than Allison?

Lisa D'Amato: I am somebody that is definitely -- this isn't my first rodeo, and I know how these things work out. There's a lot of politics involved and I would have been incredibly upset because I wasn't losing to somebody who was incredibly passionate about all the aspects of this, you know?

If I had lost to Angelea or lost to [Laura Kirkpatrick] or someone who really, really wants this in their future and their life forever, it would have been easier. But if Allison won, it definitely would have stung because I know that she would have gone back home to painting and set design and being a photographer and taking pictures in between.

Reality TV World: Why did you originally want to compete on Top Model again and how important was it for you to win the competition going into it?

Lisa D'Amato: I went on America's Next Top Model All Stars because it was a branding season and it was about trying to or executing if you are the quadruple threat, and coming from Cycle 5, I definitely was the quadruple threat, but I didn't take the competition as seriously as I should. In the end, that hurt me.

So, it was kind of like -- it was definitely a second chance and I couldn't be more prepared, more appreciative, more capable of being able to take on being the franchise face -- being the All Star winner. And I was definitely married to the future and being kind of like taming the beast of the wild child a bit, but bringing it out when necessary.

Reality TV World: What do you think you would have done after the show had you not won? Would you have resorted back to what you were doing prior to the show's all-stars edition or would you attempt to pursue different things?

Lisa D'Amato: The All Stars -- everything that the All Stars embrace in terms of branding, that could just be a show to some of the girls, but that's my life. So, 2012 was already going to be a huge break-out year for me in the entertainment industry.

I have been lining up and building my racecars all these years, and being the All Star winner, definitely is the icing on the cake and kind of pushes the envelope a little bit and seals them as well.

Reality TV World: Angelea has announced plans for a "tell-all" press conference tomorrow in which she's vowing to reveal "what really happened" with her disqualification on Top Model. What are your thoughts on that? Do you have any comment?

Lisa D'Amato: Absolutely. Angelea's disqualification, of course there's all these rumors and speculation, and then I've definitely heard a bunch myself. I don't know the exact facts, but this is a competition contestant show, where girls are eliminated each week.

So, it is just the nature of the beast and at the end of it all, I respect her privacy and I wouldn't want to hurt her personally. It's not in my place, but at the end of the day, checkmate.

Reality TV World: Do you feel like the Angelea controversy has stolen some of your spotlight and that all the headlines out there regarding her disqualification has kind of taken away from your victory or denied you the chance to beat her directly?

Lisa D'Amato: All press is good press and I love Angelea. So getting asked questions about her is something that doesn't irritate me at all. I love her and I'm one of her fans.

Reality TV World: Okay good, because I have two more questions on the topic. (Laughs) How and when did you find out about Angelea's disqualification?

Lisa D'Amato: It all -- you know, it's funny, because there was a lot of speculation that was going on in the house earlier, but it's just rumors. At the end of the day, we all kind of resort to our high-school mentality of just talking and rumors and whatever. At the end of the day, something that always resonated in my heart was that I was always the winner.

Reality TV World: The CW has announced the show re-shot some of the scenes in its finale episode, which has led many viewers to believe that Angelea was the original winner and you were only named the champion basically because of her disqualification. Could you comment on whether that was the case? And if not, does it bother you that that's the perception out there of your victory?

Lisa D'Amato: I think that it's great if people just keep talking about it. I don't see that there's any harm in that. In terms of, "Do I feel hurt by it?" Absolutely not.

In my heart of hearts, through the competition and once it got to the end, I always knew that I was the winner. In terms of competition, Allison and I had the most "best pictures" and the most challenge wins. So, in fair competition, Allison and I went toe-to-toe, because that's fair.

Reality TV World: During the finale episode, Allison said she mainly wanted to go on the show for the exposure and had many interests besides just modeling. Many of the girls this season have criticized Allison's passion for modeling and even said that she flat out hated runway. What's your opinion on that? Would you say maybe she didn't really deserve to win because she wasn't as passionate about modeling as the rest of you girls?

Lisa D'Amato: Well, it was definitely difficult to be in a competition with Allison when you genuinely can see that she's not enjoying it.


 4 ) 好与坏我都是旁观者

做人的 表演的
至少很真实 在她们中 喜欢就是喜欢 讨厌就是讨厌
至少不会像某女生节目 PK时刻姐妹情深上演飙泪戏码
在这种时候 感情固然有 但人心隔肚皮 关乎命运
朋友在自顾不暇时 未尝能顾及到你 就像Bre对Bianca
或许最后有内幕 有不满 毕竟大家眼光喜恶不能同一
但是好吧 我觉得我看了我有感触有共鸣
我喜欢的 在比赛中 通过比赛也会有经验 有所成长
那种“我心里我就是第一 我就是独一无二”的想法
在自己心里说说 用实力表现就很好
真正内心强大 或者说真正强大的人

 5 ) 对CG跟泰妈失望了~



 6 ) 无语

什么全明星!请回来的全是一堆酱油和Bitch。想想也是,真的有实力的赛后发展好的,谁还愿意回来参加这些鬼东西。 非要找个和HF沾边的也就Kayla了。Allison是讨喜但确实感觉和超模不沾边。 Lisa和Angelea应该去唱双簧吧。还有最后为啥被取消资格,也看的蛮莫名的。 Shannon老太多,第一季就不喜欢,装。 Laura增可爱,看到她就开心。 Coco是来踢馆的。




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自从看完all star,我抗bitch的能力又上升到了一个新的level。

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  • yum
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廉价的赛季呀 泰妈你好缺钱

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  • 湛微蓝
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all star is all star

  • forfaen
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结果还是能猜出来的 Allison始终是我最爱

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