

主演:吉尔·贝罗斯,Crystal Fox,瑞谢尔·班诺,Sam Duke,泰·伍德 Ty Wood,Lauralee Bell,娜奥米·贾德,Karina Banno,薇娜·苏德,舍治·哈德,Duncan Ollerenshaw,Paula Giroday,鲍勃·弗雷泽,Liza Huget,马克-安东尼·马西亚,丹尼斯·科贝特,约兰达·科贝特






  Ruby centers on Ruby Landry (Raechelle Banno), born in the Louisiana bayou and watched over by her loving Grandmère Catherine (Judd). Ruby is filled with hope as love blooms with her high school sweetheart Paul Tate (Duke), but lingering thoughts of her mysterious father and her mother's death often creep into Ruby's mind. As dark family secrets begin to reveal themselves when Paul's parents forbid him from seeing Ruby, Ruby is further devastated when her beloved Grandmère passes away. Forced to flee to New Orleans from the bayou, Ruby searches for her estranged father (Bellows), one of the richest men in the city, as she clings to her memories of Paul and their forbidden love.望夫成龙汉密尔顿药典第一季长恨歌第十三位使徒第一季驯鹿宝宝第一季奶爸难当光环:夜幕请给予只有我不在的街道烽火铁骑发胶明星梦小丑回魂2超级甜甜圈第一季无上婚宴遇见你之后电影版食人湖完美对垒凯文·詹姆斯:管他三七二十一偷龙转猫K-19:寡妇制造者家人之间顺疯车幽灵美好的死亡全境封锁动态漫画·这个大佬画风不对第一季惊天动地8.0鼓上蚤时迁山里红王牌特工2:黄金圈 (国语版)瓦伦汀语义错误 电影版小镇谜团好汉两个半第二季贼胆儿雄心致命的敌对十二猴子第三季美国式禁忌品牌in圣水洞逆转奇兵第一季旗袍2011天桥风云

