

主演:杰弗里·塔伯,盖比·霍夫曼,艾米·兰德克,杰伊·杜普拉斯,梅罗拉·哈丁,朱迪斯·赖特,罗布·许贝尔,亚历珊德拉·毕林思,凯瑞·布朗斯汀,艾比·莱德·弗特森,劳伦斯·普莱斯曼,Zackary Arthur,科雷西·克莱门斯,凯瑟琳·哈恩,阿利维亚·阿林·林德



透明家庭第一季 剧照 NO.1透明家庭第一季 剧照 NO.2透明家庭第一季 剧照 NO.3透明家庭第一季 剧照 NO.4透明家庭第一季 剧照 NO.5透明家庭第一季 剧照 NO.6透明家庭第一季 剧照 NO.13透明家庭第一季 剧照 NO.14透明家庭第一季 剧照 NO.15透明家庭第一季 剧照 NO.16透明家庭第一季 剧照 NO.17透明家庭第一季 剧照 NO.18透明家庭第一季 剧照 NO.19透明家庭第一季 剧照 NO.20


  摩特(杰弗里·塔伯 Jeffrey Tambor 饰)是一名德高望重的大学教授,虽然他和妻子雪梨(朱迪斯·赖特 Judith Light 饰)已经离婚多年,但两人之间还是维持着非常友好的来往。  摩特有三个孩子,大女儿沙拉(艾米·兰德克 Amy Landecker 饰)家庭美满婚姻幸福,但实际上,她一直都没有忘记过自己在大学时代交往过的前女友。二儿子乔什(杰伊·杜普拉斯 Jay Duplass 饰)是乐队经纪人,感情生活一片混乱的他和自己乐队的主唱有着不清不楚的暧昧关系。小女儿艾力(盖比·霍夫曼 Gaby Hoffmann 饰)看似是三姐弟里最正常的一个人,但她也隐瞒着自己的秘密。一天,摩特告诉了自己的孩子们一个惊人的消息,他宣布自己一直以来都是一名跨性别者,自我认知性别为女性。闪闪发光的你死亡医生加油,法国队!小情人玛拉马布斯博士的遗嘱相棒第3季妖女迷行第三季三个“鬼”男人权欲第二章第二季山巅之城 第一季理查三世1955东北插班生梦幻岛2020阿登的狂挫斯派德先生第一季那不仅是你,穆瑞!爱情天梯增血鬼果林时间囚徒致我们单纯的小美好(泰版)97古惑仔战无不胜温柔的音乐~tears in heaven 致天国的你玉女刑推动中国改革开放的日本人尺寸那些事云图2012九零后狮心王理查1987奇犬良缘企鹅2020龙眼前科者叔叔是奥黛丽赫本中国未解之谜喜欢妳是妳亲爱的翻译官女哭声少林僵尸天极古墓迷途魔精攻击洛奇2英语鸡皮疙瘩NO.6风云九州犯罪现场调查:迈阿密 第五季初代吸血鬼第一季Eden伊甸园


 1 ) 中文字幕质量太差啦


9分16秒,“My dad came out to Ali.” 被译为“我爸爸去找阿里了”,应为“我爸向Ali出柜了。”
10分25秒,“Outing a trans person, it’s like an act of violence.” 被译为“批判一个变性的人就好比一个暴力行为”,应为“暴露一个跨性别者的身份,这简直是暴力行为。” [按,拜托不要再把trans译为“变性”啦……第8集中的一大段倒叙戏,不就是为了反思曾经在“变性者”(transsexuality)与“易装者”(crossdressing)之间划定的界线、以及因而衍生出的冲突和压迫吗?]
11分16秒,“She, like, made me squirt.”被译为“她让我欲望膨胀”,应为“她,那个,搞到我潮吹。”
11分19秒,“You mean female ejaculation?” 被译为“你是说女性高潮?”,应为“你是说女性射液?”

Raquel: I could have been kicked out of the temple.
Josh: For what?
Raquel: For fucking a congregant, Josh.
Josh: I'm not a congregant.
Raquel: I put you on list. I added you to my email blast.
Josh: Yeah, I'll unsubscribe. I don't care.
Raquel: That is really gentlemanly.


An ally, in this context, refers to a cisgender (see below) person who fully supports the rights of trans people, treats their genders with respect, and actively helps work against transphobia. Allies are educated about trans issues and are willing to speak up against discrimination.

Androgyny is the quality exhibited by people who are difficult to identify as either clearly male or clearly female. Some trans people whose genders cannot be classified as strictly male or strictly female call themselves androgynes.

Assignment of gender refers to the way that we assume others' genders based on their bodies. When a child is born, our culture slots it into one of two groups: male or female, avoiding all overlap. We "determine" the child's "correct" identity based on a quick visual assessment of the appearance of its sexual organs, and we do so by following a specific dichotomy. (A vulva-bearing child is typically assigned female at birth, or AFAB, for short. A penis-bearing child is typically assigned male at birth, or AMAB.) Gender assignment mostly tends to work out for those involved, but many trans people are notable exceptions to this.

Cisgender is a word used to describe people who are not transgender; likewise, cissexual describes the non-transsexual. This word is a simple opposite, formed by using the prefix "cis" (on the same side/not "across") as opposed to "trans" (across/beyond).

Coming out, in reference to trans people, can have two separate meanings:

From a non-transitioned person: disclosing to someone else that you are trans, and that your preferred gender is not the one that you were assigned at birth.
From a transitioned person: disclosing to someone else that you have transitioned, and were not originally assigned as a member of the gender in which you currently live.
Crossdressing is a term that describes the practice of using clothing tailored toward the wearer's "opposite" gender. Men who dress this way would wear clothes made for women, and vice versa. A desire to crossdress isn't uncommon in straight cisgender males — some crossdressers, however, would characterize themselves as transgender. Sometimes crossdressers are called CDs for short.

Drag is a type of performance that features crossdressed people; women who perform drag are called drag kings, and men drag queens. (Note that not all crossdressing is part of a drag act.) Kings and queens are often lesbian or gay, though not always — many identify with other sexual orientations. Some drag performers would call themselves trans, and some would not.

Dysphoria, in this context, describes a variety of negative feelings that are related or connected to someone's gender or sex. Trans people who experience dysphoria may be profoundly uncomfortable with certain aspects of their bodies, particularly sex characteristics. They may also have a strong aversive reaction — perhaps sadness, or anger, or disgust — upon being called by the (inappropriate) pronouns of their birth-assigned genders, or the inappropriate-gender names that were used for them before they came out.

Femininity refers to qualities that are thought of as being womanly, that are typically ascribed to women, and that are considered to be socially appropriate for a woman's behavior. People who exhibit self-described femininity do not necessarily think of themselves as women: some men (including trans men) are feminine, some women are, some genderqueer or androgynous people are.

Female-to-male (FTM, FtM, F2M) is an adjective or noun for men whose bodies were initially assigned female. These men often undergo the social and/or medical transition that the acronym implies.

Gender refers to the sociological set of boundaries and signifiers that may define people as being feminine, masculine, or androgynous. When you look at someone and decide that she's a girl, based on her appearance, behavior, and presentation of self, you're judging her gender (not her sex).

The gender binary is a very common system of thought, referring to certain ideas that many people hold about gender and sex. The gender binary is not correct. It presumes that everyone is either male or female (not so!), and it implies that trans people flat-out do not exist. It is based on the following three principles:

There are two genders: man and woman.
Every human is either a man/boy or a woman/girl.
Humans born with XY chromosomes, penises, testicles, etc. are always men; humans with XX chromosomes, vaginas, ovaries, etc. are always women.
More accurately, it could instead be said that:

There are many genders; man and woman are, as it happens, the two most common.
Not all humans are either men/boys or women/girls. Lots are, some aren't.
Gender and physical sex have a complex relationship to one another, and being born with a certain body doesn't guarantee a certain identity. The majority of men were assigned at birth as "male," and women assigned as "female." The human population varies widely, however, and the former statement is certainly not infallible — hence the need for this website!
Gender identity describes the psychological recognition of oneself as being a member of a certain gender. Gender identity is determined by a person's internal perceptions; it is separate from physical sex, which is an absolute that's determined before birth.

Gender-neutral pronouns are used to avoid referring to someone as "he/him" or "she/her." Some people explicitly ask for gender-neutral pronouns, as these are the most comfortable for them; other people will use them as generics. A short list of the most common gender-neutral pronouns:

They, them
They smiled • I called them • their cat purred • it's theirs • they like themselves

Sie, hir (pron. see/hear)
Sie smiled • I called hir • hir cat purred • it's hirs • sie likes hirself

Zie, zim (like he/him, but with a "z" at the front)
Zie smiled • I called zim • zir cat purred • it's zirs • zie likes zirself

Ey, em (like they/them without the "th")
Ey smiled • I called em • eir cat purred • it's eirs • ey likes emself

Gender presentation refers to the way a person looks, dresses, or acts; it describes the "gender signifiers" that are part of their external appearance or mannerisms. Drag kings who wear stick-on beards, for example, are deliberately trying to make their gender presentations as masculine as possible.

Genderqueer is an identity taken on by a variety of people who feel that, in some way, the very substance of their genders lies outside the gender binary's two labels of "male" and "female."

Gender role describes the set of expectations that are ascribed to a certain gender in any given culture, relating to how to people of that gender "should" (among other things) behave, talk, dress, and think.

Male-to-female (MTF, MtF, M2F) is an adjective or noun for women whose bodies were initially assigned male. These women often undergo the social and/or medical transition that the acronym implies.

Masculinity refers to qualities that are thought of as being manly, that are typically ascribed to men, and that are considered to be socially appropriate for a man's behavior. People who exhibit self-described masculinity do not necessarily think of themselves as men: some women (including trans women) are masculine, some men are, some genderqueer or androgynous people are.

Non-op, short for non-operation, describes people who don't plan to undergo any surgery related to their trans status. There are a variety of reasons for this decision, ranging from pervasive medical difficulties to discontent with the surgical results to simple lack of desire.

A person who passes, although assigned with one physical sex, is able to resemble the other sex closely and convincingly in the public eye. This word is technically a misnomer; trans people who "pass" are not doing so as trickery or disguise, but rather revealing their actual genders.

Post-op is a simple descriptive term used for people who have completed all the sex reassignment surgery that they plan to undergo.

Pre-op, likewise, refers to people who wish/plan to have surgery, but who have not yet undergone it.

Sex refers to various qualities displayed by the human body that, strictly medically speaking, define people as being male, female, or intersex. When you decide that a someone's sex is female, you're mentally juggling many different traits of her physical self — her genitals, her hormone levels, her chromosomes, her internal sex organs, her secondary sex characteristics — and finally making the judgment call that her body can be, as a whole, classifiable as "female" according to the normative standards of medical science. (Note that the "scientific standards" of sex are at least partly culturally determined, according to a society's notion of what makes a body male or female.) Sex is distinct from gender.

Sexual orientation refers to, simply, towards whom someone's sexual desires and drives are oriented — perhaps towards only women, or only men, or towards nobody, or regardless of gender. It is separate and independent of gender identity.

Sex[ual] reassignment surgery refers to several types of operations; it is typically used to describe vaginoplasty (the creation of a vagina), metoidioplasty and phalloplasty (two ways to create a penis), and mastectomy (removal of the breasts, typically in a trans man). Certain other surgeries, involving removal of various parts of the internal reproductive system, are also often considered forms of SRS.

Stealth is a descriptor of people who, after beginning transition and living in their preferred genders, do not readily tell others about their upbringings or past lives within the birth-assigned gender. Some people are only comfortable when living in "deep" stealth, some practice stealth to a degree, and some choose to be more or less open about their trans statuses.

Transgender is an umbrella word that refers to all the folks who, more or less, either

Do not identify with the genders assigned to them at birth, either wholly or partially;
Consider themselves members of their birth-assigned genders, but who also state that their identities are strongly and consistently gender-variant (that is, radically different from what is expected of a "man" or "woman").
Some people who fall under these categories do not define themselves as transgender, for a span of different reasons, mostly having to do with personal preference and experience. When in doubt, ask the individual.

Transition refers to the process of changing one's living situation so that it suits the individual's gender identity more accurately. It can entail quite a lot of different actions, ranging from a social name-change to sex reassignment surgery, and has been given its own section on this website so that I may explain it in more detail.

Transsexuality describes the condition of being described/assigned as a medically typical "male" or "female" at birth, but having an identity that lies exclusively or near-exclusively within the gender that people tend to call opposite. A transsexual man was initially assigned female, and was probably raised within the female gender; vice versa with a transsexual woman. Transsexual-identified people often undergo a social/physical transition in order to live more comfortably within their true genders.

Transvestism is a rather outdated word that is equivalent to "crossdressing," and is usually used in reference to men who dress as women. Its use should be avoided, as some find it offensive.

 2 ) our family's tradition is secret

我真的深深讨厌又喜欢着里面每一个人(ps:只看了第一季 这些只是自己的一点感想)






最后是台词最少 可是却是整个家庭里最不像这个家庭一员的Ed 没有什么想说的 直接上图

最后最后 还喜欢BGM和名字“透明家庭”与剧情的反差萌


先是看了《发展受阻》,然后知道这个《透明家庭》,于是闲来无事就看看如何? 诚不我欺。 这是一个悲伤的故事,每个人都在fuck up自己的生活。 Maura一直压抑自己,到老年出柜,过得还算可以。虽然每一集都时不时被别人有意或无意的言语伤害。但是,总的来说,过得还好。毕竟,对子女坦白,也赢得了妻子的理解。有自己的朋友和圈子,也是可以了。幸好是退休了,不然,不然也是不敢出柜吧。 家人可以对你残忍,也可以很快原谅你。 Maura得到了家人的理解,毕竟他们一家人还是要缠绕在一起很久吧。 大姐,生活缺少激情,所以才会旧情复燃。但是,你能不能不要进展这么快啊,仪式都办了,你说结不了,拜托!能不能理智点。 二弟,我不喜欢。各种撩,各种不负责任,没有关心过任何人,也是童年缺爱! 三妹,不让人省心。天天无所事事,找意义。你能不能长大了? 继续看第二季!

 4 ) 坦率人生

Transparent 是亚马逊工作室原创的一部高质量美国喜剧电视连续剧,尽管大众翻译它为“透明人生”、“透明家庭”,但在我的诠释里,都不如“坦率人生”这四个字来得更准确贴切,名副其实。


Transparent 的整体构架就像一颗卷心菜,需要逐片剥开外层的裹覆才能寻见内在最鲜嫩的真实,而从家庭的权威者决意顺应天性,涂脂抹粉着装艳丽的招摇过市那刻开始,这个过程就像是一只无形的大手由外而内的一片片扒开这个家庭以及家庭成员的点滴。
从更主观的角度来说,Transparent 就像解放性向、支持同性游行的活动那样有意义,每个人都有着这样那样的因素将自己画地为牢,无论是为了哪个目的,终究束缚了自己,并因着某个原由不敢挣脱或是不能挣脱。从剧情的走向势态来看,仿佛是在告诉所有那些有现实担忧的人,做自己,并没有错。

 5 ) 只是一些肉体而已

  so,no body stupid,最不能引起敬畏之心的行为就是伪装,而这之间还有些许不同在于装高装低装好装坏,关键在于目的,如果是想获得权力金钱的那种是最不能饶恕的虚伪,其次是博得他人俯首称臣而抬高自我威严的那种也是极其可笑。总之,伪装很容易被识别的,come on 别装了好么。
  Maura(Mort)是让我感到温暖并心生崇敬的那个长者,面对着一堆老大不小的熊孩子,他并没有要伪装自己以得到每个人的尊敬,而且他也没有要操控孩子的生活来圆满自己的晚年,对Ali这个一事无成的小女儿的宠溺与鼓励,她掩饰自己一事无成而当众埋怨Maura为什么取消自己的成人礼,任性的牢骚与指责一通,公然丢老爹一身的美钞,当天晚上对着回到家里扭捏的站在饭桌前的小女儿还是会宽容的说:“come on,honey”。
  用Open mind来面对不愿接受的遭遇,或者只是超出自己的观念的事物很重要,没有必要处处树敌,我们只是偶然生存在这个星球上的细菌,像Maura在camp camellia中与之忘我共舞的Connie的那段对话。

Connie:“抛开阴道“,Maura重复附和着 “抛开阴道“。



 6 ) Just Never Mind



这部之所以出彩里一个重要的原因就是对美国以往的“完美”似生活的突破,编剧真是用心了。一般这种突破都是下一代比如把家里的儿子写成同性恋,儿子来和自己的父母在这些问题上进行冲突,而且儿子还不能是故事的核心,而是作为一个配角也就是一个边缘存在着。这种画风是几乎全部覆盖,就连专门做为同性恋电视剧的queer as folk都不能免俗。虽然以同性恋为中心,但是里面的男主却与直男的性格无比相似。以这种无比男人无比阳刚的出现在一部同志剧里无非是想去迎合主流价值观,收到更多人的接受。但是transparent真的在这方面无比无比的牛逼,编剧然最为争议最为让人无法接受的角色按在了父亲的身上,让他成为她,不是作为喜欢男人而是自我性别定义为女人的中老年男子当做主角。这样一来,LGBT不再是与父母反抗的儿女,而是他们自己的父亲。这就是编剧想告诉美国人民,并不是现在文化造成你们的孩子和别人不同。他们捅破了这层窗户纸,肯定让很多人都接受不了,而我却觉得实在是痛快非常,可歌可泣。

第二个出彩的因素就是四个字“不卑不亢”。这点实际上是super cool!太多太多的歇斯底里了,关于边缘人主题而言简直就是过度消费,为了基情而激情,专门拍给少不更事的腐女看。然而这部,作为漩涡中心的主人虽然要按照自己的方式成为女人,却是全剧最冷静最睿智最处事不惊的一个人,具备着最为完整的人类情感。一旦到了这份儿上,你要是再去怀着好奇之心去怜悯人家,就是你的见识短浅了。



二弟,从小没有存在感,父母闹矛盾时正处于青春期,没有大姐的成熟也没有小妹的聪慧,他实际上在童年受到了最大的伤害。看完这部可能会有很多人不太喜欢他,对前女友对后面的女友他都处理的不对,表面上看上去想要个家庭很靠谱,实际上忽略了对方的感受很自私。但是对这个love addict我是充满了同情的,童年缺爱致使他这样,实际上内心深处还是那个没有人在乎的无法安放自己的青春期男孩,敏感而自卑。他对父亲的态度是很不接受的,除了自己是直男这个既定原因以外,另一方面大概就是父亲变化太大会遗弃自己吧。唉,我是很心疼这个“渣男”的。






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Bob Dylan有些歌单独听无感,但一用对情景就都是神来之笔。

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  • 鴍諌🌈
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2015.1.14 E01 5.19 109 110 之前开播就在微博首页上经常看到,还是拿了金球奖最佳喜剧才去看的。终于看完了 http://tieba.baidu.com/p/3562909658

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把关于sexual role的典型情节粘合在一起,这个时期太讨喜的主题啦。特别喜欢一些毫无逻辑的对话和空白长镜头,像大嫂说的,许多不惊艳片段积聚在体内,慢慢消化和吸收。关于家庭关系,这个剧写得又潮湿又明媚,就像三月的天气,时而烟雨飘摇,时而如沐春风。没有标签可以贴,因为其本身就是一种标签。

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