

主演:Kenny Aronoff,菲尔·巴克曼,Phil Chen,艾利斯·库柏,Justin Derrico,Dave Ellefson,Jason Hook,比利·乔,小雷·帕克尔,红粉佳人,曼迪·摩尔






  Session Aces. Keepers of Time. Vocalists. Composers. The sidemen and sidewomen who play the riffs and fills we imitate in the air. When we turn up the radio, chances are we are listening to one of these players. A-listers have them on speed dial. International tour or recording session, who're they gonna call? A "Hired Gun." This feature length one-off documentary introduces the prolific musicians who are virtually unknown to the public. Billy Joel, Whitesnake, P!NK and Metallica are synonymous with their own artistry and success, but who is responsible for their instrumental solos? Who tours with them live? It is the consummate side players who kill it show after show, often playing circles around the actual band members. In "Hired Gun," viewers learn the firsthand stories from individuals who have mastered their craft and perform on the world's biggest stages. This film details the highs and lows of touring life, the demands of hectic session schedules, and the dedication required ...潘多拉:永恒的生命山水间的人类奇迹万桥飞架断桥2014费丽丝蒂第三季假面骑士时王 普通话版黑门后来超高速!参勤交代我是你的眼本草中华我们仍未知道那天所看见的花的名字真人版明日之丈2011桂冠诗人新世代武力1998年中央电视台春节联欢晚会大进军——大战宁沪杭腰间持枪沉重的心孪生陌生人最后曙光刺头青持摄像机的人黄金兄弟国语版泰勒·斯威夫特:爱的告白世界巡回演唱会纳尼亚传奇1:狮子、女巫和魔衣橱星际之门SG-1第五季汶川儿女一个母亲的复仇战将超人归来正义回到明天电影版月亮中的亚马逊女人星际旅行:进取号第四季灵触玩偶芬利你来自哪颗星火箭:南比效应伯爵2023特种部队的崛起夏夜知君暖某科学的超电磁炮T与象同行透视牛奶原子小子

