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  加拿大导演马特·比索内特自编自导新片[花花公子之死](Death of a Ladies' Man,暂译)。影片卡司包括安托万-奥利弗·波尼安([妈咪])、加布里埃尔·伯恩。故事围绕一个放荡的爱尔兰诗歌教授萨缪尔·奥谢(加布里埃尔·伯恩饰)展开,当他被确诊为患有脑瘤后,他的婚姻,他的生活将发生翻天覆地的变化。该片即将于今年7月蒙特利尔等地辗转拍摄。交换过圣诞鬼上身2016越柙飞龙国语版囧人的幸福生活黑客军团第二季琅琊榜粤语世纪审判《香椿》温情农村电影山神2021吹响悠风号剧场版:誓言的终章在前进的道路上入魔停火演剧偶像奉天往事医院风云第一季火星人玩转地球送货员非常宣言工作女郎北京爱上你吸血鬼日记 第七季阿曼达·诺克斯猎魔临终学校教师情谜好景当前赶烤淄味直闯鬼门关 第一季偏偏动了心行李2019绳套毛驴县令之天外来客乡味记第二季衰鬼抓狂爱丽丝与杰克麦当娜2006忏悔之旅演唱会义胆群英(国语版)阴阳剑坠落2012二百五小传嫌疑人X的献身2008扫毒行动


 1 ) Stop reading reviews, just go WATCH IT!

If you have ever loved Leonard Cohen or Gabriel Byrne (Cher to god for having me loving both), then you have no choice but to love the film!

Cr: @deathofaladiesman.movie

I don't think I can ever be objective or professionally cold when I'm watching it, judging it, thinking about it, or now typing on my phone for the sake of it. But then, why the objectivity? Why the professionalism? Life has always been a darkening yet brightening, miserable yet hopeful, exciting and daunting, splendid and bleak mess. Yes, I am using that many adjectives to describe it, but here's the richness of living for you. Rich, complicated, and completely incomprehensible.

Anyway, atheist and toxicologically clean, I'm simply grateful to have a “velvet-tongued god” licking me all over, loving me through a film, instead of through heroin.

I know that the last sentence may sound gibberish, but if it sounds gibberish to you, you are not watching the film carefully and you are not getting my puns properly. Getting the puns and feeling belonged alongside all the laughs and cries, that was a huge part, too. It's like Spielberg's Ready Player One, but instead of the “virtual keys + pop culture references” bundle, you get the forever verses by the forever poet.

Cr: @deathofaladiesman.movie

*Spoiler alert*, the last section of the film contains some top-class lip-syncing that is tear-inducing, heart-breaking, ambiguous-smile-that-even-oneself-don't-understand triggering.

Yes, lip-syncing. I don't know how or why they came up with the sequence, but I loved it. Speaking of it, the film must've been an exciting and creative project to work on: how many times as an actor, can one pay tribute to Leonard Cohen, whilst filming in one's own homeland, AND getting divorced, drunk, cancer-diagnosed, hallucinated, heroin-styled high, snowed, magically-cured and shot in the back of the head? Doing all that, in one single film, WITH the company of a ghost dad, a Frankenstein's monster, a tiger-headed Miss Olympia, a dementor-looking Reaper, AND Leonard Cohen songs as background music. That, dear, is having fun at work.

Cr: @deathofaladiesman.movie

Gabriel Byrne isn't just having fun either, he's so brilliant and great in it. As a cohen fan, I can be really judgy when it comes to the great poet, but Gabriel simply nailed it. As always, his acting is accurate, precise, truthful, and moving. His portrayal of the character is so extremely detailed, so concept-rich, yet at the same time, seems so effortlessly done. All the hard work is behind the curtain, all the complexity is hidden within. By palpating the thinking and the logic entwined in the emotions, the audience may perhaps “feel” the actor in the character, but that's as far as it gets, you can never actually “see” him. Gabriel Byrne, like many talented actors, has the craft of a diamond: a diamond, with the help of different lights and angles, refracts different radiances and casts different shadows. It is thus able of constructing a complex and rich world around it, a circle of seemingly real yet inaccessible halo that encompasses all the sorrows and joys of drama within. But don’t forget, in the center of this illusory world is an indestructible diamond, by reflecting the illusion (of characters or plays), it retains itself and retains the truth.

Man, it's no L.C. biography, but the film feels L.C., so heavy, deep, complex, and poetic, yet somehow managed to keep being simple, funny, honest, and essentially, kind. It's down to earth in the “mortal coil” that one can't easily shuffle off, and it's up there soaring higher than the sky, further than the stars or universe ever get.

Cr: @deathofaladiesman.movie

Life is short, very short.

Life is beautiful, so beautiful.

Life is shouting at you "WATCH THE BLOODY FILM!", and life is right, at least on that one.

Cr: @deathofaladiesman.movie

*I do wonder how similar do landscapes of Ireland and New Zealand look to each other. Proudly dwelled three years of my youth in the greenness of the “emerald isle” down southwards of the world, I must say that the Atlantic waves rushing itself against Mweenish Beach, Ireland reminded me of the pacific blue in my dreams. Yes, not only did Leonard or Gabriel make me cry, NZ-looking Ireland did that, too.

*Don't you dare start blaming me for writing up the review in English, one latch on to the only useful foreign language one's left with when there's français québécois (oui, je l'ai dit et je le pensais, la langue française est déjà difficile sans l'aide des erreurs de prononciation de style canadien!) AND Gaeilge (which is no Chinese to me, if you pardon the pun) involved, AND you are watching it at 4 o'clock in the morning through a virtual film festival between your med school dues and classes.



  • 麦子
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  • Bedivere
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  • 雲苍白浅影长
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  • ☆T、拉Mi苏
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電影分成三個部分開展,簡駭而言套戲講述了一個被診斷出腦瘤嘅大齡Sexy Professor Samuel O'Shea在人生最後階段嘅體驗與感悟。我估Gabriel B會接呢套戲嘅原因,除咗系Leonard Cohen嘅fans之外,更多嘅系套戲嘅角色同真實生活中嘅Gabriel多少有嚸相似。早期出道時,Gabriel有過很嚴重嘅酗酒問題,最後都系向經理人Hayden求救先戒甩。之後Gabriel與Ellen Barkin那段短暫、不快嘅婚姻,仲有兩個唔算省心嘅兒女。基本上戲中男主Samuel O'Shea一角多多少少帶有Gabriel嘅影子。講真我唔多中意戲中天馬行空想像裹part,太離地啦。不過導演Matt Bissonnette將愛爾蘭真系拍攝得如此純天然、風景宜人,太美了,有機會點都要去一趟 Gabriel嘅鄉下望望,BTW Gabriel戲中造型好評。

  • 阿蚊
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  • 大人中
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  • 梦之安魂曲
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  • 装甲连小炮手
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  • 十月
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  • conwei
  • 很差


  • L先生
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  • 周五在逃狗勾
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观影时间:2021.4.13 该片讲述了一个狂喜的大学教授的生活经历了一系列难以想象的转折,所有的旧故事都被赋予了新的转折点,当他开始产生超现实的幻觉,并得知他对这个世界可能不会太久。故事围绕一个放荡的爱尔兰诗歌教授萨缪尔·奥谢(加布里埃尔·伯恩饰)展开,当他被确诊为患有脑瘤后,他的婚姻,他的生活将发生翻天覆地的变化。 一个将死之人在亦真亦幻的真真假假之中完成了自我救赎,还行吧。

  • markhnkf
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  • oDD-O-o
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虚虚实实,还算是有些意思。Gabriel Byrne很迷人呀。

  • mOco
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Leonard is always with us😭

  • 应昌先生
  • 力荐

  • b👻
  • 较差

Why do I care? 我对中年男人的态度已经冷漠到了极点。结局很好,终于补偿了,可算清净了。

  • 屁蛋儿
  • 较差